Common Myths Women Believe About What Turns Men Off: Debunked

As a man, you likely have your own personal preferences when it comes to what you find attractive or a turn-on in a romantic partner. However, women may make certain assumptions about what men want that don't necessarily line up with reality.
Understanding where these disconnects happen can lead to better communication and relationships. Here are some of the biggest things women think drive men wild that may actually be turn-offs for many guys.
1. Playing Hard to Get
Some women buy into the idea that acting aloof or playing hard to get at the beginning of a courtship makes them more desirable. However, this can backfire. While a little mystery might be intriguing initially, most men don't have the patience for drawn-out games.
If you say you're not interested, most men will take that at face value and move on rather than endlessly pursue a woman who keeps sending mixed signals. Be clear about your level of interest from the start for better results.
2. Over the Top Sex Noises
Loud, pornstar-style moaning and dirty talk might seem like it would turn a guy on, but often it just comes across as forced and inauthentic. Those exaggerated sighs and screams you see in adult videos don't reflect most men's preferences in the bedroom.
Keep things real - if you're feeling pleasure, communicate that genuinely through your voice and body language. Don't put on a performance, as it usually ruins the intimacy of the moment.
3. Baby Talk
Some women adopt a little girl persona including using baby talk, especially during sex. This probably stems from the flawed idea that acting innocent makes a woman seem non-threatening. However, most men don't find this subtle form of roleplaying enticing or cute.
Stick to communicating like the intelligent, mature adult that you are to avoid making your partner uncomfortable. Leave the cutesy talk for actual babies.
4. Overly Long Nails
Long, elaborate nail extensions have become a popular style statement. However, those claws actually make many basic tasks more challenging, including intimate ones. Keeping nails trimmed to a reasonable length retains full hand functionality.
Going overboard with length and embellishments looks good on Instagram but isn't practical (or safe) for real world wear.
5. Excessive Makeup/Cosmetic Procedures
The Instagram and reality TV aesthetics embraced by influencers like the Kardashians favor heavy makeup, lip fillers, BBLs and more. However, a lot of men prefer women who keep it simple and natural.
You don't need caked-on products or dramatic surgical enhancements to be beautiful. Avoid going overboard with treatments and makeup to appeal to male preferences.
6. Acting Helpless
Some women play up a sense of helplessness around men in hopes it makes them feel more needed and masculine. However, constantly having to swoop in and assist with basic tasks is more annoying than flattering for most guys.
Relying on your partner is great, but have some personal capability as well. Be a competent, self-sufficient adult - not a damsel in distress.
7. Trying to Make Him Jealous
Jealousy seems like proof of passion. So it's tempting to try and incite a little envy in a new romantic interest. However, playing games by chatting up other men or bragging about past conquests can backfire.
Rather than view jealousy as a sign you've hooked him, most men find these types of manipulative tactics immature and off-putting.
8. Twerking
Vigorous booty shaking looks impressive on dancers in hip hop videos. However, most men don't find overtly sexualized dancing sexy in real life. Twerking in close proximity can make guys uncomfortable.
Save those provocative moves for the club and keep things more subtle in intimate settings. Overt displays often kill the mood rather than stoke the fire.
9. Bad Attitudes
Some women adopt a tough, domineering persona under the assumption men find "bad girls" alluring. However, being rude or acting entitled is more likely to repel a guy. Kindness and confidence are far more appealing.
You can be assertive without being aggressive. Ditch the diva act - strong women who treat others well are truly sexy.
10. Playing Dumb
The dumb blonde stereotype makes some women assume guys like vapid, naive women. However, few men seek out airheaded partners. Being able to hold an intelligent conversation is important to most men.
You don't have to downplay your intelligence or pretend to be ignorant about common topics to win a man over. Smart, thoughtful women are refreshing.
11. Saying Yes All the Time
Some women becomes chameleons - instantly adopting their new beau's hobbies and interests out of a desire to please. However, having your own opinions and preferences is more attractive than blind agreement.
Don't be afraid to say no if you really don't like something. Confidence and knowing your own mind is sexy - being a pushover is not.
The Takeaway
Women sometimes buy into myths about male desires that don't align with reality. Avoid assumptions - communicate openly with your partner about turn-ons and turn-offs. Mutual understanding beats playing games or projecting imagined preferences.
Source: Reddit
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