Finding Love Before Your Divorce is Final: Considerations and Tips

September 21, 2023

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally turbulent time. You may feel eager to move on and find love again. However, starting a new relationship before your divorce is finalized can complicate matters. Here are some important considerations and tips if you decide to look for love before your divorce is complete.

Should You Date Before Your Divorce?

There are a few factors to think about when deciding if you should start dating before your divorce is final:

How will it affect your divorce proceedings or settlement? Beginning a new relationship could negatively impact divorcing assets and spousal support. Your spouse may claim the relationship started before separation.

Are you emotionally ready? Don't rush into dating to fill a void. Make sure you've grieved the end of your marriage and are ready to be a good partner.

How will it affect your children? Your kids should be your top priority. Introducing a new partner too soon could confuse or upset them.

Are you legally separated? Some states require a legal separation first. Dating before could be seen as adultery. Check your state laws.

If you feel ready to move on, proceed thoughtfully and consult your divorce lawyer. Timing and perception matter legally and emotionally.

Tips for Dating Before Your Divorce

If you decide to start looking for love before your divorce is final, here are some tips:

Be Discreet

Keep your dating life private, especially from your soon-to-be ex. Discretion will avoid complications and hurt feelings that could stall divorce proceedings. Tell only close friends and avoid introducing new partners to your children right away.

Take it Slow

Don't jump into another committed relationship. Keep new bonds casual until your divorce is finalized. Intense romance may indicate you're not ready to date and could frighten off healthy partners. Focus on companionship.

Avoid Introductions

As hard as it may be, try not to introduce a new romantic interest to your children until your divorce is close to being finalized. Meeting a potential new partner may disrupt their sense of stability. Move slowly and communicate openly with kids.

Review Finances

Speak to your lawyer before using joint monies for dating expenses. Take stock of your finances to ensure dating is viable. Disclose any large new purchases to your ex as mandated by law. Protect assets and future settlement claims.

Don't Discuss Your Divorce

Avoid oversharing details about your separation on dates. Potential partners don't need to hear venting about your ex. Stay positive and focus on getting to know each other in the present.

Seek Support

Tell close friends and family you plan to start dating again. Their support could prove invaluable as you re-enter the dating scene. Surround yourself with positivity and avoid naysayers.

Prioritize Yourself

Make your needs, desires and self-care a priority, not just your divorce. Join a gym, take a class, see friends. Fill your newfound "me-time" with activities unrelated to dating to discover what makes you happy.

Consult a Therapist

If you struggle with self-esteem, depression or anger due to your divorce, consider speaking to a therapist. Dating while emotionally volatile may impede finding healthy partners. Heal first, then start looking for love.

Use Filteroff

Try video speed dating apps like Filteroff that allow you to focus on conversations and not just appearances. Their matchmaking services connect you with compatible singles looking for real relationships.

Have Fun Enjoying Single Life

Don't view dating as a hurried step in your divorce. Have fun with it! You get to enjoy single life again. Discover new activities, travel, and rediscover your interests outside relationships. Solo freedom can be very fulfilling.


Finding new love before your divorce is finalized requires thoughtfulness about legal, emotional and practical implications. But if you feel ready to meet someone new, approach dating in a sensible, discreet manner. Prioritize your needs, take it slow, and consult professionals. With practical tips like these, you can successfully navigate the dating scene. Focus on having fun, and your perfect match may appear when you least expect it!

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